The CBT is aimed at the absolute beginner.
Most people generally complete the CBT in 1 day and we deliver CBT 7 days a week.
Please see this video before booking your CBT
The DVSA have released a new Tutorial intended to help you prepare for the theory aspects of the CBT. Its called RideFree and as the name implies, its free to sign up to and take the tutorial.
Select the image to redirect to the DVSA website.
* If you have any conditions that we may need to take into account during your training, please let us know either at the time of booking or as soon as possible during your course. We want to make you day as enjoyable and accessible as possible.
You will need to bring your UK Driving Licence with Provisional Motorcycle Entitlement with you and present it to your instructor upon arrival.
If you have not got your licence on the day of training, you will be turned away and your training fee will be forfeited.
Please note that if you have a full car licence then this will act as a provisional licence for other categories such as Cat A Motorcycle.
Our usual CBT will start at 09:00 in the morning, so please arrive at 08:45 for a prompt start. You should expect to be with us all day. We usually hope to finish by about 16:00.
You should arrive fresh and ready to learn, you will need to bring your driving licence with you and have a good understanding of the Highway Code. You should also come dressed and prepared for riding a motorcycle and the prevailing weather conditions. You can find more details on preparing for your CBT here.
Your training can be ended and you may be sent home if you are not dressed correctly or your knowledge of the highway code is not sufficient for you to be safe on the road. The instructor will ask a number of questions so that they can decide whether or not this criterion has been met.
We can loan you a bike, helmet, jacket and gloves but you would be advised to wear some strong shoes/boots and strong trousers/jeans. Ideally not trainers and jogging bottoms.
If you have your own motorcycle equipment, it would be a good idea to bring it with you, then your instructor would be able to advise you whether you have the correct equipment for you and advise you how to get the best use out of it. You might also want to consider waterproof over-clothing if the weather is going to be wet.
The CBT consists of 5 elements:
A - Introduction
B - Off road training
C - Off road riding
D - On road preparation
E - On road riding
In the introduction you will be introduced to your instructor and the course that you are about to undertake will be explained to you. You will also be introduced to the various items of motorcycle clothing that you should wear and the items that you must wear when riding a motorcycle. You may also get a brief introduction to the Highway Code at this stage and the instructor may wish to gauge what knowledge you have to begin with.
Off road training
In this section you will be introduced to the bike that you will be riding for your training in a relatively safe training area. All of the controls will be explained. You will cover some basic safety rules, side stands and centre stands, very basic maintenance and how to push the bike safely.
Off road riding
In this section you will cover pulling away and stopping, slow control, figure of 8 riding, U-Turns, braking, including emergency stops, safe road positioning, an approach to dealing with hazards and simulated junctions.
On road preparation
In this section you instructor will discuss with you many of the different road conditions that you might expect to encounter out on the road, they will cover things that you can do as a rider to make yourself safer in these conditions. Aspects of the Highway Code will be covered in a little more detail and with relevance to you as a new motorcyclist. You will discuss the legal requirements that are incumbent on as all as road users and the ones that are particularly pertinent to you as a new learner rider. You will cover particular hazards such as road surfaces and weather conditions and the things that we need to take account of before we even consider getting on a motorcycle, such as our health, attitudes and environmental issues that may effect us once we are riding.
On road riding
The road ride section will consist of at least 2 hours on the road with your instructor. You will cover different types of road conditions such as junctions, crossings, roundabouts, different speed limits and roads of different sizes and widths. You will get to demonstrate the U-Turn and Emergency stop in a live road environment and you will gain some valuable real-world road experience.
Once you have completed the 5 elements your instructor will discuss with you how the day went and if you are considered safe to go out and continue to gain experience out on the road on your own, you will be issued with a DL196 CBT certificate.
If you do not manage to satisfactorily complete all 5 elements in one day, your instructor will discuss with you what you will need to work on in order for you to satisfactorily complete the CBT and possibly discuss when you will be able to come back in to complete your training and gain your certificate. There will be a charge for any extra training required (Unfortunately our instructors do not work for free). The cost of any additional training will be discussed at the time of booking.
The CBT certificate is valid for 2 years from the date of issue. You will not receive a reminder when it is about to expire, so its a good idea to put this in your future diary. If you wish to continue riding after the 2 years and you have not completed a full licence course and tests, you will need to complete the CBT course again. We employ a system that the DVSA call Client Centred Learning. This means that we don't need to teach you something that you already know as long as you can demonstrate that you do know it. With this style of learning it generally means that when you come back to us to re-do your CBT after 2 years, it generally does not take as long, but what it also means is that we get to add value to your riding in slightly more advance ways.